Sport, Trick and Freestyle Kite Flying Forum
Tregolwyn wrote:I used to be a Cowbridge Common regular and there used to be quite a few up there. Really good spot we even held some STACK events there a couple of times.
Not sure why but the scene just vanished and meeting another kite flier became a rarity. Despite living less than 5 miles away I don't fly there any more and haven't see anyone on my near daily drive past.
Not banned as far as I am aware, it is common land and there was a clamp down on taking vehicles onto the common.
Tregolwyn wrote:Yes the Scruffs posse used to have a regular meet on the Common. Scruffs have been long gone now and the owners moved to Spain (even featured on A Place in the Sun or some such moving house programme on TV).
What kites did you fly? I was probably flying there about that time and we may have bumped into each other.
Tregolwyn wrote:Not sure I recognise many of those faces but pretty sure I met the guy on the left with the white, blonde? hair.
Scruffs was a pretty good shop, nothing like it exists now. There were a few concerns about business ethics but at least you could walk in, buy a decent kite and be flying straight away. Just too ambitious for the location and the market I guess.
Keithgrif wrote:second from left is Geoff Strangeway, currently member of Flying Squad, previous STACK competition flier and head judge.
Tregolwyn wrote:This is right old trip down memory lane isn't it.
Yes the guy on the left was a Rev flier. I think he had bought a speed series at the time and was finding it a bit of a handful. Very friendly guy, spent many an hour chatting while the wind refused to blow.
The Scruffs duo were Ian and Irene. They also ran the Margam Park kite festival which despite being very low key and never having any wind was a really nice event.
To be honest I think they are missed here, maybe it is no coincidence that as soon as Scruffs closed down flying on the Common disappeared.
Perhaps I'll get up there soon and try to recreate old times.