Jest_of_EVE wrote:[/End Of Tiff]
Quite. If anyone's got a problem: Email me.
Sport, Trick and Freestyle Kite Flying Forum
Andy S wrote:First off: I apologise to any Americans caught in my sweeping generalisation, and anyone else upset by my post. I was angry and frustrated by the fact that all the work done on the Tricky Wiki might be for naught. Such language and sentiment is never constructive. Sorry.
christian wrote:WOW..
I have always enjoyed the Fractured axel forums..
I never post here but come here quite often for information and have a great time reading you guys' posts.
I have never felt uncomfortable here until now.
I am an American and am shocked at the stereotypical slinging of hatred. (thats how it looks to me)
And its by the Admin himself?
Boy do I feel welcome here.
Andy S wrote:@Audiorob. What features do you feel TikiWiki is missing that you would expect to see? And how would you propose we migrate to another type, assuming I would want to?