Yan wrote:(looking for the jaw dropping smiley

Closest we have, I think.
Sport, Trick and Freestyle Kite Flying Forum
Moderators: Craig, Davey, Yan, Zippy8
Yan wrote:(looking for the jaw dropping smiley
Yan wrote:What sort of personal statistics?...
kostaaa wrote:like.... how many rounds you have enter till now, what is the average score that people gives you in every round (number between 0-10 for Technical and Artistic) and in all rounds, the lowest & the highest score, average position in all rounds.
Also, "Rank" that will express the sum of all received points, counting from 1st of January to 31th December... and "Top Score index" (better name?) which means how close are you from the top. For example if in one round there are only 5 entries the TSI will looks like this:
1st place -> 100%
2nd place -> 75%
3rd place -> 50%
4th place -> 25%
5th place -> 0%
This can be helpful for tracking your progress ("Where do am I compared to the others!?") in every round.... and also in the whole year/season -> Average TSI.
At the end of the season the guy with the biggest Rank will be the Absolute Winner of the Year!
ObijuanKenobe wrote:I believe the primary motivation for any further data processing would be to crown a 'winner' over a year.
That seems very unworthy of VF.
Personally, I think it is much cooler to think over longer time scales. In that case, there is but one King of VF...and only one way to unseat him.