Will consider any sensible offer. Don't ask how much pls.
Appreciate any info on makes & models as well.
1. Mullin kites: S4 in yellow, monochrome, red, and multi-coloured all 220cm span; one Area 51 in red.
2. The Mission - dot designs, Middlesex, in orange.
3. Matrix by Andy Preston: one monochrome and one in blue by Flexifoil.
4. Spirit of Air:- two Omega XS by Dodd Gross; one in monochrome the other in purple.
5. Benson: - red Gem std with original cross-over bridle, blue Mini-Gem, Outer Space and Reflex
Kites are all in pristine condition, looks like they've hardly been flown ... no dirt on them.
Postage from Ireland is £20.
v4 edit :: strike-throughs means sold :: ta!