
History: Reverse spike

Comparing version 4 with version 5

a.k.a none listed


Wing tip stab


Primary Execution

Fly the kite, nose down near the side but with power. About 8-10 feet above the ground pull hard with the inside hand while pushing slightly the outside hand. This causes the kite to 1/4 spin almost a Half Axel towards the center of the window, forcing the inside tip to (Spike) into the ground.

Alternate Execution


Videos with the Trick


Backstab, Black Hole, Reverse 3 Point Spike, Reverse Spike, Tequila Slammer and Spike

a.k.a none listed


1/4 turn into a Spike.


Primary Execution

Fly the kite, nose down near the side but with power. About 8-10 feet above the ground pull hard with the inside hand while pushing slightly the outside hand. This causes the kite to 1/4 spin almost a Half Axel towards the center of the window, forcing the inside lower leading edge to (Spike) into the ground.

Alternate Execution

Videos with the Trick


Backstab, Black Hole, Reverse 3 Point Spike, Reverse Spike, Tequila Slammer and Spike

VersionLast Version


Legend: v=view , c=compare, d=diff
Information Version Html Action
Mon 02 of Mar., 2009 23:43 GMT by Kamikaze
No Video
Mon 02 of Mar., 2009 23:43 GMT by Kamikaze
No Video
5 v  c  d
Mon 23 of Feb., 2009 17:58 GMT by Kamikaze 4 v  c  d
Mon 23 of Feb., 2009 17:55 GMT by Kamikaze 3 v  c  d
Tue 11 of July, 2006 21:09 BST by fiction 2 v  c  d
Tue 11 of July, 2006 21:09 BST by fiction 1 v  c  d