


a.k.a none listed


Flic-flac with a spin between iterations


Primary Execution

Fly right to left. At the edge of the window, pop the upper hand as if starting a Kickturn/Half Axel, but add extra slack to let the nose of the kite flare up so the back of the kite is presented towards you. Pause a second....(for effect).....and then gently, but firmly pull on the left hand to flip the nose of the kite down and then up through the Fade position while also spinning 180 degrees around its spine. Like a Flic-Flac but with a 180 twist. The kite starts nose up, back towards you and ends up in the same position but a kite's width or two off to the right. Then do the same with the opposite hand and repeat ad infinitum. Start out at one side of the window and you can continue this move most of the way across the window.

Alternate Execution


Videos with the trick



Created by fiction. Last Modification: Wednesday 12 of July, 2006 09:17:20 BST by fiction.